• kilimo


  • Home of academic excellence

    The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination. Good is not good when better is expected.

  • We are well equipped

    The college is equipped with different machines which assure good practice and experience in today farming technology.

  • The Best Experience

    The Kaole college experience is all-encompassing, interactive, and vibrant…!

  • Humanities

    Our commitment to the humanities can be observed at every level of its curriculum, culture and operations.

Welcome to Kaole Wazazi College of Agriculture

Kaole Wazazi College of Agriculture is an institute owned by UMOJA WA WAZAZI TANZANIA. The institute is recognized and registered by the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) with registration number REG/SAT/021.

The college is located 64 Kilometres North of Dar er esalam city and about 3 km South of Bagamoyo town along the road leading to Kaole Ruins. It is well college equipped with different machines and other related practical tools, which assure good practice and experience in today farming technology.

Vision: To be a model training center in agriculture/livestock and other related fields that would produce competent technicians and skilled farmers leading to sustainable agriculture and livestock improvement as well as social-economic development of target groups.
Mission: To provide profession training on crop and livestock farming leading to the award of technician certificate and diplomas, and modular or tailor-made demand driven short courses for diversity of clients in the agricultural industry.

A message from the Principal


Thank you for your interest in Kaole Wazazi College of Agriculture. At Kaole College, we don't just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in agriculture sector; We help them succeed to transformation the agricultural sector so as to impact the community positively. We continue to be committed in offering high quality practical education.


  • Testimonial

    Education is one thing no one can take away from you.

  • Testimonial

    Kaole Wazazi College of Agriculture is one of the best colleges we have in Coast Region. I highly recommend applicants to have their place there.
    Mark Ocitti Ongom
    MD - Serengeti Breweries Limited

  • Testimonial

    If anyone whose passion in crops, plants, flowers, or you want to be a future farm technician? Then this college will be a right fit for you!
    Goodluck Sheshe
    Graduate - Kaole College

  • Testimonial

    At Kaole college, I learned about different kinds of plants and how to cultivate them scientifically, plant breeding, crop production, and plant genet...
    Clinton Kasebele
    Graduate - Kaole College

College motto

We are committed to technological innovation and poverty alleviation!